Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dili Haat

Spent the afternoon doing some shopping. Seeing as I have some more shopping days planned coming up, (specifically for some bigger ticket items) I didn't think I would have already had such a large pile of purchases. Nonetheless, it was a cool experience. We went to the Dilli Haat Food and Craft Bazar, which was a moderately sized flee market with all sorts of wares. I made several purchases throughout the evening.

While shopping, I walked past one table manned by a young man who had made all the puppets and toys for sale. He tried to sell me one the first time I got there, and I told him I needed to look around first before I made a decision, an that I would probably be back. He asked if I promised which I said no. A few minutes later, I walked past again, and he called out anxiously for me to come back, and I told him I still had the other side of the market to look at, and not to worry. I didn't find anything else I liked more anywhere, so I did return and bargained with him for one of the puppets. He tried to give me three, and I said I only wanted one larger one, but he refused, as they were all part of the family, and couldn't be split up. I didn't have many rupees in my wallet, so I bargained with him and ended up getting all 3, for much less than he initially asked for just the one. I asked him to take a picture with the toys, he insisted I get in the picture as well, and included his father, and his son (note that hat he provided me to wear for the picture):

Afterwards, he asked if I would send him the picture. I told him I would. Then he proceeded to give me his cell phone number, and invited me to dinner at his house, with him and his brother. I told him I was leaving Delhi tommorrow, so he told me when I come back, to call him.

I also saw a black velvet painter, who had some truly beautiful pieces. He was only asking 600 Rupees (about $15) for paintings that were about 18 x 22 inches. I found 3 I really, really liked, and purchased them. I tried bargaining, with the gentelman, but he refused and said he would not negotiate. The price was lower than I had expected anyway, so I still left with my purchases, regardless. However I also insisted I get his picture as well:

The only thing I was dissapointed about, was that there were a lot of stands offering food. I was really, really interested in trying some out. However, since I've got another 2 weeks of travelling ahead of me, I figured its best not to risk it. I walked into what seemed to be a much smaller (and of course India) version of Singapore's Hawker's market on accident, and was dissappointed having to turn around and walk out with an empty stomach.


Natalie said...

I would just like to say that I think it is well with in my rights as a wife to say that when you get back I get to go somewhere warm and sunny after all this snow I have had to move in the last few days. Another 3 & 1\2 inches just tonight. Enjoy the warm weather.

Grover Thomas Jr. said...

I know you told me the story, but now that I have seen the photos of you and the hat, I must say it is one of the funnier photos I have seen. Hope dinner was good tonight. I sure hope I make it tomorrow.