Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Getting Ready

Well, I've got 6 days until I leave, and I feel like I've still got a hundred things to do before I leave. The last couple months have been filled with preparations for the trip:
  • 5 different shots to keep me healthy: flu, typhoid, DPT, hepatitis, tetanus
  • Prescriptions for Cipro in case of any infection, malaria medication, and sleeping pills for the plain ride
  • 100% deet bug spray to keep away the 'skeeters, disinfecting hand gel, and a vast array of digestive system aids, in case things get ugly,
  • Booked and coordinated 11 different flights, meanwhile almost losing my seat on the flight from Singapore to Delhi
  • Ordered and received my passport, Indian Visa, and spending money in 5 different currencies (Singapore dollars, Indian Rupees, Thai Bhat, Omani Rials, and UAE Dirhams)
  • Registered with the various embassies and informed my credit cards, bank, and cell phone company that I will be using their services in other countries
  • Researched extensively the 3 countries I'll be travelling alone
  • Brushed up on my Arabic (even though English is spoken prevalently in Oman and Dubai) to do whatever I can to avoid looking like an arrogant American

So I'm looking forward to doing, instead of planning. Not to mention I can't wait for the 60-90 degree weather after the sub-zero temperatures we've been dealing with around here. So check back one week from today, and I should hopefully have my first post online from my first day in Singapore.


Grover Thomas Jr. said...

Welcome to the Blogging World and soon I can say Welcome to Asia. As for your weather comment, it was 84 in Manila when I landed at 1130 last night. See you soon. Grover

Jhoover said...

This is awesome! I am so glad you are blogging your trip and letting us share in this amazing experience. I look forward to your updates.
Have fun, be safe and سأراك قريب

SueZie said...

It's me again. Just testing to see if this works now that I signed up for my Google, or Yahoo, account. Or whatever I did.

Unknown said...

Ryan, in case you don't have a good concierge at your hotel, you should go to Clarke Quay and St James Power Station. G