Thursday did not go as planned.
After a hard day of hiking the day before, ending with a few
hours of eating and drinking in the Selva Negra restaurant, both Aimee and Ryan
were sleeping soundly. However, as will
happen after an evening of imbibing, Ryan had to get up to use the restroom in
the early Thursday pre-dawn hours. As he
was returning out of the bathroom towards the bed he went to turn the light
off, but at the last second noticed a dark spot on the crisp white sheets at
the corner of the bed under where his pillow had originally been.
Half a sleep and groggy, his brain tried hard to figure out
what it could possibly be. It was slightly
larger than a quarter. There was a
canvas roll shade and a window sill above, and the best he could come up with,
was that it must have been some sort of dust bunny that perhaps fell out of the
shade when they unrolled it before undressing the night before. Ryan decided however to leave the light on so
he could confirm, and remove whatever it was before climbing back in bed. He walked up closer to it, and put a knee on
the bed to enable getting a closer look.
Even before leaning in, his half-conscious brain calculated the most likely
answer to what he was looking at. In
shock, Ryan smiled and began laughing.
Aimee began to stir as he continued staring at the corner of the bed not
knowing quite what to do. She rolled
over and more immediately realized what was there, and let out a scream.
It was a small toad.

After getting his brain to wake up enough to develop up with
a plan to remove Mr. Toad, Ryan, went to the table in the living room and
grabbed a drinking glass, and quickly placed it over the top of the frog. With a little help from Aimee, they slid a
folder under the glass, and Ryan escorted it to the door. He quickly flicked the opening of the glass
out the door, took a quick look to make sure it was empty and closed the
door. While Ryan and Aimee joked about
the unexpected visitor, Ryan walked into the bathroom with the glass, and
switched hands. He was startled to see
that the toad was still in it, holding tightly to the bottom of the glass. He quickly went back outside with it, laid
the glass sideways on the ground, and left it there.
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Last Breakfast in Ryan and Aimee's Booth at Selva Negra |
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The Serene View of the Selva Negra Pond |
The city of Matagalpa is in the Northern mountainous area of
Nicaragua. The city is a tall narrow
city, and out of the Northern tip is a highway, that heads straight North
(though with some weaving and winding) about 10km to Selva Negra. Due to the mountainous terrain, there are
not many other roads that intersect with the main Highway. Grenada, as the crow flies, was 3 hours to
the south. As Ryan and Aimee pulled out of Selva Negra’s
access road, Google maps told them to take a right.
Ryan looked at his phone confused. “Right?
That takes us north, up the mountain, away from Matagalpa, and in the
opposite direction of Grenada. Ryan zoomed
out on Google Maps, and it showed that they would loop around and then head
south. After debating what his gut told
him vs. what google told him, Ryan decided that Google was likely more
knowledgeable than him and turned right.
They continued heading north about another 15 km. Google maps indicated they’d be turning left
in 1 km…500m….300m….100m. Neither Ryan
nor Aimee saw anywhere they could make a left turn.
Google however said they missed it, and recalculated,
telling them to take the next left turn instead. Keeping their eyes peeled and closely
watching the other side of the road looking for the turn, this time they did
see a small gravel road intersecting the highway.
They turned left, and again questioned this recommended
route. They had been driving on a paved 2 lane highway. Now they were on a very small very coarsely
graveled road. That certainly didn’t
necessarily rule it out as the right way, but it did seem odd. Ryan
and Aimee looked at the road and shrugged, deciding to follow it for a bit and
see how it looked. They could always
turn back.
After only a couple hundred meters, they came to what looked
like a small roadside rock quarry. The
road went past it, and as they approached the far end, it looked like water at
some point had cut a deep rut in the gravel road. Maybe a foot deep, and 10 inches wide. Beyond, the road curved around a corner, and
headed into a rocky downward slope.
There were a few workers in the area, so Ryan jumped out,
checked out the road, and asked one of the workers: “¿Es possible pasar?” The worker turned to
look at him and said “Si, si.” So Ryan
jumped back in the car and reported back to Aimee that the workers said the road
was ok.
However, after driving over the rut, and around the bend,
the gravel road got even more coarse.
The 2-3
inch rocks they had been driving on turned into 4-5 inch rocks. We were on the side of a mountain, and Aimee kept an eye on the side to make sure we weren’t near a cliff that we could tumble off of. While the side continued to slope downward, there wasn’t a steep drop off. That made the both of them feel a little more at ease. However, they were heading at a steady and fairly steep downward slope. Aimee a few times mentioned, that this may be difficult to get back up if we need to turn around. Ryan repeatedly checked google maps which said they were on the right route, and that it would continue to meander south and eventually meet up with what looked like a bigger road.
inch rocks they had been driving on turned into 4-5 inch rocks. We were on the side of a mountain, and Aimee kept an eye on the side to make sure we weren’t near a cliff that we could tumble off of. While the side continued to slope downward, there wasn’t a steep drop off. That made the both of them feel a little more at ease. However, they were heading at a steady and fairly steep downward slope. Aimee a few times mentioned, that this may be difficult to get back up if we need to turn around. Ryan repeatedly checked google maps which said they were on the right route, and that it would continue to meander south and eventually meet up with what looked like a bigger road.
So they continued.
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The First Gate |
Ryan got out of the car, to analyze the situation. The gate could easily be opened, and the road
appeared to continue beyond it. There
was a house just off the road next to where they had stopped. Ryan called out to the house to see if there
was anyone he could ask about the road.
No one was around however. Looking at the fence and gate, there was no
sign indicating it was “Propiedad
Privada.” Along many private farms,
residences, we did see these, but none here. Returning to the car, he told Aimee
that it looked like the road continued, and the gate could easily be
opened. It seemed worth trying, before
attempting to backtrack the mile and a half or two back up to the main road. They agreed to try going a little
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Keeping an Eye on the Horse While Closing the Third Gate |
For the third time, Ryan got out, opened the fence, using
extra caution to ensure the horse didn’t get out, and drove through, closing
the gate behind him.
As they passed through this third fence, hopes began to
dim. The gravel road, had now turned
into a grassy trail. There were faint
tire paths through it, but strands of grass reached up 18 to 24 inches
throughout the center of the road. Though
they were going slowly, the grass was obscuring their site of rocks in the road
way, and they occasionally ran over and bottomed out hard on some big
ones. Aimee and Ryan said to each other
that it was looking like they’d need to turn around. At this point they were along the edge of a
field sloping downward that had opened up a little bit and the trail continued
around down to one corner that didn’t look very promising. As Ryan was looking at the road in the distance,
he failed to notice a dip in the tire paths directly in front of him, with a
large rock about 18 inches wide and 8 to 12 inches high sticking up in the
middle of the road. He saw a glimpse of
it at the last minute, when his wheels dropped into the dip, and the rock hit
the middle of the underside of the car with a loud bang and crunch that they
could feel even more than they heard.
That might leave a mark.
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The End of the Road |
Sure enough, as he walked up to it, he saw bushes, and
fallen trees, and nothing that looked like a road. They’d hit the end, and would need to turn
around. As Ryan walked back to the car,
he realized that even though he stopped short of the stream, the ground was a
lot softer than he had expected. While
he was primarily worried about getting back up the mountainside, he was now
also worried about getting out of this mud.
He got in the car, gave Aimee the bad news, and put the car in
reverse. It moved a few inches, and
then the front wheels began to spin. He
opened his door to check out the ground behind him, and realized his back
wheels had created a bit of a ridge.
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It's Not Looking Good |
He decided to pull forward a bit to try and get a little momentum. However, this didn’t help, in fact, now he got stuck further down. For a good 15 or 20 minutes, he tried several different approaches of rocking the car (by alternating between reverse and first on the stick shift). He also tried gathering sticks and branches to put under the wheels to give it a bit more traction. The more he tried however, the further down the slope, and into the corner he was slowly sliding. Aimee was getting more and more worried that they were simply getting more stuck and not less stuck, and as it was after noon, they’d need to reach out for help quickly as it may be a few hours until help was able to find them. Additionally, they were getting closer to some large boulders and the fence on one side, that they were at risk of sliding into.
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Yeah, I Don't Think We're Getting Out of This |
Ryan found the number for Alamo, and called them. It took several minutes, several Spanish automated voice response prompts, and a live person or two, but he was able to get someone that spoke English at the Managua office. The woman that answered took all his information, confirmed that he did have towing insurance, and then asked the difficult question:
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We May Be Here Awhile |
As Ryan was finishing up his call with Alamo, Aimee noticed
that a person had appeared up the slope of the farm that they were
alongside. This person was walking
through the field of some sort of crops directly in our direction. Aimee tried to alert Ryan that someone was
coming, but Ryan was focusing on his call.
As the call finished up, he noticed that there was suddenly a man
standing next to him. This many was
about his height, and in his early thirties.
As with the vast majority of the residents of Nicaragua,
this man of course didn’t speak any English.
had an unfortunate gap in his vocabulary for words to describe the
morning’s events. He did not know how to
say stuck, mud, wheels, spinning. He was
able however to explain that Google maps told him that that road went
through. This made the man laugh. Eventually Ryan introduced himself, and the
man returned the pleasantry saying his name was Enrique. He was the manager of the lettuce farm on
which Ryan and Aimee were now stuck.
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Ryan and Enrique Sizing Up the Situation |
Ryan and Enrique talked for a bit, with Ryan trying to make
the best of his broken Spanish…which tended to become even more broken under
stressful situations. At each point
where Ryan explained their misadventures of the last hour or so, Enrique
laughed heartily. At one point Ryan
explained that he and Aimee were on their “luna de miel” (honeymoon). At this Enrique doubled over and grabbed his
stomach in deep genuine laughter.
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Better Find Some Better Shoes |
With a lack of any better option, Ryan grabbed the pack, and
attempted the futile process of wiping off half an inch of caked on mud from
his feet with moist paper towlettes that were 4 by 6 inches. After going through 2 or 3 of them, and
making no progress, Ryan heard some familiar laughter to his left, and looked
up to see Enrique laughing and telling him to come over there. Ryan dropped the wet wipes and followed
Enrique over to the edge of the farm.
Enrique pointed to the ground where there was a rectangle hole cut into
the dirt about 18 inches by 12 inches.
This hole was full of water---a natural wash basin created by the water
table and the water that was being irrigated down the hill.
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At Least the View was Nice |
A wave of humility rushed over Ryan as his jaw dropped
open. He protested, telling Enrique he
didn’t need to do that, but Enrique ignored him and continued washing his
feet. Immediately the religious
parallels to Jesus washing the feet of Peter in John 13:6-17 overwhelmed Ryan’s
mind. Here he had trespassed on
Enrique’s farm, got his car stuck in the mud and was clearly keeping him from
getting his work done, and yet Enrique was kneeling on the ground, washing
Ryan’s feet. Ryan was certainly not
worthy of this treatment.
After Enrique finished cleaning Ryan’s feet, Ryan put his
socks and shoes on. At this point, his
phone began ringing. It was the towing
company. Ryan answered and was
immediately hit with a barrage of rapid-fire Spanish. Ryan tried to break into the seemingly continuous
stream of foreign sylables to get the words in “please speak slowly my Spanish
is not very good.” He attempted 3 times
to tell this to the woman on the phone, but she did not slow down at all. Enrique was still standing directly in front
of Ryan, and not knowing what else to do, he handed Enrique the phone and asked
if he could talk to her.
Enrique took the phone and talked to the woman for 3-4
minutes, most of the time clearly giving directions on how to get to the
farm. At one point he handed the phone
back to Ryan. Ryan put the phone to his
ear, and heard the continued Spanish rambling of the woman at the other
end. Again, Ryan pleaded for her to
speak more slowly which she continued to ignore. Ryan again looked at Enrique
and said “I can’t understand her” handing him the phone. Enrique put the phone to his ear for a
second, handed it halfway to Ryan, while the Spanish chatter was still
emanating from it, and pressed the red “call end” button.
Ryan looked up slightly confused, wondering if she had
everything she needed, or if this premature end of her call would mean they
wouldn’t show up. Ryan asked Enrique if
help was coming and everything was good, and Enrique ensured him it was. Ryan followed that up with a “how long?” Enrique responded with the unwelcome, but not
unexpected news that it would be a couple of hours. Fortunately, however the towing crew was
coming from Matagalpa.
At this point there was nothing to do but wait. Ryan and Enrique talked a little bit
more. Feeling guilty about the whole
situation, and wanting to be able to do something in return for Enrique’s help
and hospitality thus far, Ryan remembered he had nothing more than a dollar in
his pocket. He did however have quite a
few cigars in his bag. He asked Enrique
if he liked cigars and if he would like one.
Enrique smiled and said yes. Ryan
went over to his bags, and found the variety bag that their tour guide had
provided, and pulled them out and offered one to Enrique. Enrique happily took it, and asked if Ryan
had a light. Fail. That he unfortunately did not. At this point, a few of the other farmers
came down the hill, and Enrique went to talk to them.

For the next couple hours, Ryan and Aimee sat and killed the
time texting their families at home, letting them know what had happened, but
that they were safe. They also reached
back out to Alamo to talk to the English speaking customer service rep to see
if they could get an update and detailed information on who was coming and when. Unfortunately, the person with whom they were
working was on her lunch break. For most
of this time, Enrique was tending to the farm, but occasionally he came by to
check on them.
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Honeymoon of a Lifetime!!! | be continued...
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